Fri, May 22 2009 - Lovely River Valley Cycle - Edmonton Queen East to ?? - Slow Pace (16km/hour) (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Brent S (Polé Polé), Rhonda S
Participants:audrey, Estelle, colette, Nina Weishaupt, NancyS, Vic, Susan D, Rhonda S, Brent S (Polé Polé), Colleen R

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Write Up:
We set out on a perfectly lovely Edmonton evening, climbed a few lovely hills, had a lovely detour involving guiding our bikes down (and then later pushing them up) a lovely long staircase. Afterwards, lovely snacks and beverages at Brewsters. Thanks to all who came out for a very lovely time!

-- Rhonda & Brent

Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Mark G at If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to thirty of your favourites (only) for a day event, or up to sixty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.