Wed, Apr 22 2009 - Brent's Stupid Hill Training (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Brent S (Polé Polé), Rhonda S
Participants:Bryan W., Rhonda S, Brent S (Polé Polé), Christine R

Write Up:
It was cold and windy tonight, there's no doubt, but four of us (thanks, Brian and Christine for joining us) braved it anyway. I was the wimpiest, completing three whole circuits (six hills), but I'm pleased and proud to say that I never stopped part-way up any of the hills (a milestone for me). Brent and Brian both did four times each (or maybe Brian did five, I'm not sure), but Christine took the prize with at least six circuits that I counted. Wow... Woman of Steel award for her!

-- Rhonda

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