Wed, May 12 2010 - Walk @ After Work - Louise McKinney, Riverdale, Dawson Park Loop (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Sandie
Participants:Sandie, Marynika, Karl

Write Up:
3 of us started from the Shaw Conference Center, headed east along the river valley path to Dawson Park. Then we wandered back west through the houses in Riverdale, taking in the 220 stairs to the top of 95th Street then head back to the conference center.

In total we went about 5 km in exactly 1 hour.

Have some photos from this event that you'd like to share in our photo album? Please forward them to Mark G at If you have a LOT of photos, please submit up to thirty of your favourites (only) for a day event, or up to sixty of your favourites for a multi-day event. Thank you.