Edmonton Outdoor Club - Volunteers

Edmonton Outdoor Club - Volunteers

Officers and Administrators
Mark G: Event Coordinator, Volunteer Team Member Lead
Donna: Treasurer
Rhonda S: Event Coordinator, Webmaster, (Past President, and Club Architect)

See our Job Descriptions for more information.
Event Coordinators
Andrew H
Don E
Keith Barnes
Sherri H

We are always looking for Event Coordinators. If you think you may be interested, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Mark at volunteer@edmontonoutdoorclub.com.

Event Coordinator
Volunteer Team Member Lead

Mark G
Attracted to the EOC by the variety of activities and the desire to try cross-country ski trips, Mark joined the EOC in February 2007. Born and raised in Edmonton, he has spent many years skiing and cycling in the Alberta Rockies, as well as Edmonton's extensive North Saskatchewan River Valley Park System. Mark loves to brag that Edmonton's River Valley Park System is the largest connected urban park in Canada.

Mark has completed three bike trips from Jasper to Banff along the scenic Highway 93. Mark's aim is to share his passion for: downhill skiing, xc-skiing, hiking, scrambling, snowshoeing, cycling, backpacking, spelunking, geocaching, partying, team building, dog sledding, wine tasting, rollerblading, canoeing, camping, et cetera.....ing. Lately this includes lots of mountain biking and trail running.

Mark completed a solo thru-trek of the entire West Coast Trail to commemorate Canada 150 anniversary in 2017, and most recently the Berg Lake Trail and Owen Pass GDT High Route into Pinto Lake. He has backpack trips planned on the EOC calendar as a way to share experience and to train for future trips on the Canadian Great Divide Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Pinto Lake Trail, and the hopefully someday the Appalachian Trail.

Mark can always be counted on to be dependable and prepared, and he possesses a strong sense of direction. His priority on any event is to have fun and stay safe. He loves to explore new trails and tap the group's knowledge to improve on his planned trip itinerary. Mark will always make an effort to ensure each participant feels included and comes away with a positive experience.

Mark has previously served the EOC volunteering as Vice President and as a member of the Original Director Team starting in 2008, and Volunteer Team Member Lead since 2015.

Mark's role (as acting "President") is to:
- Work with the club volunteer team on the planning and decision making activities for the club
- Manage Facebook Page
- Help train new volunteers - Answer inquiries sent to executives@edmontonoutdoorclub.com

As Photo Historian, Mark's role is to:
- Receive photos from event attendees
- Review all event photos, selecting which ones to post on our Facebook Page
- Crop and enhance photos
- Upload photos to Facebook Albums and Google Drive service
- Manage photo albums
- Manage Facebook Page Posts - Select photos to include on the slide show (on the EOC Home Page)
- Select photos for photo contests
- Answering e-mail inquiries sent to photos@edmontonoutdoorclub.com

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Mark G.

Donna has lived in Edmonton since 1981. She moved here when she graduated from university. Her outdoor interests are hiking, canoeing, cross country skiing, biking, camping, backpacking, and some astronomy. She was involved in Scouting for the last 13 years, but now her youngest son has quit, so she set out to find a group of people to camp and enjoy the outdoors with. This is what led her to the Edmonton Outdoor Club. She has been involved with the Girl Guides for nearly 40 years now, but her group does not get outdoors as often as she would like.

Donna enjoys being a math and physics teacher, but admits that the best times of my life were summer jobs where she worked in remote areas of Northern Canada where she would not set foot in a building for 3 months. Donna's dream vacation is spending the summer with a group of people who are all keen to paddle the North Saskatchewan River from Rocky Mountain House to Hudson's Bay. Expected travel time is 3-4 months.

Donna is not a fairweather camper, having lived outdoors for 3 months at a time and done some winter camping, her tolerance for bad weather is quite high, so her trips will go rain or shine. She loves to hike in the River Valley and does many urban hikes, but she will also organize canoeing and white water rafting trips.

As the Treasurer, Donna's role is to assist the treasurer with the following duties:
- Manage club finances, including receiving member payments for events and voluntary donations, and making event payments to service providers
- Manage club PayPal account
- Pay club expense payments, such as web hosting, etc.
- Manage the club budget
- Answer e-mail inquiries sent to treasurer@edmontonoutdoorclub.com

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Donna.

Event Coordinator
(Past President
and Club Architect)

Rhonda S
Rhonda is a software developer who moved to Edmonton from Calgary in late 2009. She has been a volunteer with the COC since 2003, and EOC since early 2009 (Rhonda is not often in Edmonton now, but we keep her on our hall of fame).

Due to asthma, Rhonda is a slow (but enthusiastic) hiker and cyclist. Her cycling events are always at a slower pace (approx 16km/hour average), but aren't necessarily "easy" - she's willing to do the hills and distance, just more slowly. Rhonda hikes year-round with snow shoeing and x-c ski events supplementing the winter hiking schedule. Do note, however, that she is a fair weather hiker and in the event of yukky weather will either move a hike to a different location (if the weather's nicer somewhere else), or cancel/reschedule the hike if it's yukky everywhere. When in the mountains during bear season, Rhonda is a "hike nazi", keeping her hikers in tight groups of six or more for safety.

Rhonda is our current Webmaster.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Rhonda S.

Event Coordinator
Andrew H
Andrew is a Calgarian by birth, but grew up in the Edmonton area, although he did live in Calgary for a few years in the late 90s. Currently Andrew lives in Edmonton. He has enjoyed many outdoor activities and will be coordinating easy urban hikes and social events this season.

His biggest interests are slow, easy walks and socializing so keep an eye open for events he's coordinating that involve both! Two of Andrew's favorite events have been biking to camp at the Strathcona Wilderness Center, and finishing a 100km solo ride at the bottom of a steep hill at 70km/hr.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Andrew H.

Event Coordinator
Beata's home and heart is in Edmonton but has spent some time living in Vancouver. She enjoys skiing, hiking, and running the single track trails.

Some fun trips she's taken: Yukon backpacking to Kluane Glacier, Maui trip with the club, Brazeau loop multi day backpacking, Lake O'Hara Alpine loop, Chamonix, France ski trip.

Fun fact: she used to run ultras and has competed in River Valley Revenge in Edmonton (80kms) and Death Race in Grande Cache (125kms).

Although she has led multi-day backpacking events in the mountains in both summer and winter, and has done some international travel, she now enjoys more local endeavors.

Her hikes will vary between fast paced events and child-lead paced events geared for children.

She looks forward to seeing everyone out on the trails.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Beata.

Event Coordinator
Don E
Don was Born in Toronto and moved to BC in 1996. He was a member of the Out & About Outdoor Club for 21 years before retiring and moving to Edmonton in October, 2021 with his partner of 26 years.

Don has a BA in English Literature and a Provincial Instructor Diploma. He is currently a member of the YMCA and Aging with Pride (Edmonton). In addition to relaxed-to-brisk walks, Don & his partner enjoy cycling and some ice skating, snowshoeing and skiing. They are also members of the Art Gallery of Alberta and enjoy going to shows and concerts.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Don E.

Event Coordinator in Training
Since moving to Alberta from Saskatchewan in 1992 to begin my dream teaching career, I have loved the beauty and diversity of the Alberta landscape. In 2023, while preparing for epic and daunting travel adventures, I found the Edmonton Outdoor Club and the fun and challenging hikes supported increased strength, cardio, and catapulted my interest in tackling challenging climbs with confidence. My outdoor interests have always included hiking, swimming, and camping, but have expanded to include canoeing, paddle-boarding (a teeny bit), snowshoeing, skating, skiing, and exploring the beauty of nature including Jasper jaunts, snorkeling, hiking and animal photography in the sun-drenched Galapagos Islands, climbing the Inca Trail to marvel at the mysteries of Machu Picchu, and exploring the wonders of the Amazon. In addition to outdoor pursuits, I love spending time with family, playing piano, yoga, curling, and volunteering in the community.

I am a die-hard outdoor enthusiast who enjoys coordinating brisk-paced hikes and meeting new people. As a teacher, I tend to plan ahead carefully but pivot when needed to meet the needs of the group. My philosophy is that if I can do it - anyone can. I look forward to meeting you!

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Karen.

Memorial to Keith a Long Time Volunteer and Event Coordinator
Keith Barnes
Keith is originally from Vancouver Island, but he has lived in the Okanangan region of BC for many years. Tired of the 'sunshine tax', Keith relocated to Edmonton in 2005 in order to start an apprenticeship.

Keith, not the type who likes to sit at home, was very pleased to find the EOC in 2006. Keith is particularly fond of skiing and mountain biking and he is very happy to continue those interests in Alberta. A soft-spoken individual, Keith enjoys quiet conversation and meeting new friends who share his passion for the outdoors.

Event Coordinator (Since 2007)-- Keith Passed away at age 49 in 2023. He will always be missed by many who had the privilege to know him.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Keith Barnes.

Event Coordinator

Louise is a transplanted Calgarian who has lived in Edmonton since 1997 and is an avid outdoor enthusiast who has a passion for exploration, adventure and travel. As a biologist she has had the opportunity to experience the myriad of natural wonders the province has to offer and has substantial experience in navigation and wilderness skills.

She has been an active member of the EOC for going on 10 years and can be found spending most of her time outdoors, be it out exploring Edmonton’s river valley, local natural areas, the mountain parks, or off the beaten track. Louise’s primary interests are hiking, backpacking and camping in the summer, as well as cross- country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter, though she also dabbles in canoeing and kayaking. She is an avid photographer, wildlife/bird watcher and all round nature enthusiast and is looking forward to giving people the opportunity to experience the wonders of nature through photography, tracking and other adventures.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Louise.

Event Coordinator (Since 2007)

Narmin (pronounced Nar-meen or Nar-mean depending on how often you mispronounce her name!) is the blur you see zipping by as you go about your daily business. She has a Type A personality, which results in her living life to the fullest and filling every moment with some sort of activity. When she's not at work, you can usually find Narmin rock climbing, doing boot camp, practicing yoga, spending time with her nephews and nieces, traveling the world, or volunteering for a good cause.

Narmin was born in British Columbia but has lived in Edmonton since she was a toddler. Her B.C. roots are pretty evident when you get into a political discussion (despite living in Alberta almost her entire life, she's still a bleeding-heart Liberal about most things).

In the past you likely would have seen Narmin in the Great Outdoors only because her sense of direction failed her yet again, thereby leading her right out of the city. Thankfully, Narmin discovered her passion for travel and after hiking dormant volcanoes in New Zealand in December 2003, she decided she'd better take advantage of the opportunities in her own backyard. She hasn't looked back since and has discovered a previously dormant passion for all things active. This is a very good thing given that Narmin has spent most of her career as a federal public servant and sometimes it's just good to get out into the real world. :)

Narmin typically coordinates indoor climbing events, urban hikes, fun runs, social events (restaurants and theatre) and volunteer activities related to global development and the Edmonton Christmas Bureau.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Narmin.

Event Coordinator
Sherri H
Sherri grew up and lived in Calgary until 2007 when she relocated to Edmonton. In the spring of 2019, and after almost raising her two boys, she knew she was ready to meet some like-minded people to spend more time outside.

Sherri has lived, travelled, hiked and paddled in various places throughout the world. Her favorite place is Lake Louise. She also loved her time in NWT, Nunavut and Yukon, California to Massachusetts, the Australian outback, Switzerland and Nepal. Two summers ago Sherri spent four days in a kayak with her youngest son in the Broken Group Islands and in 2017 she did an 8-day trek through the Himalayas to Poon Hill (3100m) in the Annapurna range. This past summer she coordinated over 30 kayak trips and 15 hikes in Alberta with friends and family.

Sherri loves kayaking, hiking, downhill skiing, cycling (road/mountain), xc skiing and camping. When she isn’t outside or with her kids, she can be found practicing meditation, yoga or hanging out with her Golden Retriever, Larry. She is also excited to learn backcountry skiing with ACC this winter, to plan a solo bike trip between Jasper and Lake Louise and to get back into backpacking so she can knock West Coast Trail (and others) off her bucket list.

Her events will be widely varied and ideal for those that just want to get outside and have fun! She isn’t the slowest, nor is she the fastest. She will plan stuff local and then she will plan events that require some travel and exploration. Ultimately, she hopes to share her love of the outdoors and adventure while connecting and have great conversations with other members of EOC.

See Upcoming Events or Past Events being coordinated by Sherri H.

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