Fri, Aug 13 2010 - Stargazing & Meteor Watching at Elk Island National Park (View Original Event Details)

Event Coordinator(s): Ryan
Participants:Ryan, Sandie, Heather Lindsay, alinaelena, Naved, Amulya, Jeff C., Jim, Estelle, Mark P, Stevey McLeod, Justin

Write Up:
Despite the intermittent rain showers, 10 of us camped overnight at Elk Island Park, and all in all it was a good night of camping. Although it took us a while to get a campfire going (due to the relatively wet wood), we were able to enjoy sitting around the fire for most of the evening. Near midnight, we wandered down to the beach at Astotin lake, and the skies cleared up just enough that we were able to lie back and see some stars and a few meteors. We broke up camp around 11 on Saturday morning, and a few of us (not including myself) headed for a short hike.

Thanks for coming out everyone!

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