Hidden Gem Weekend Hike Series: Gibbons Museum, The Scenic Great Trail & Landing Trail - Sat, Sep 9 2023

Hidden Gem Weekend Hike Series: Gibbons Museum, The Scenic Great Trail & Landing Trail (9/9/2023)

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page.

You are STRONGLY encouraged to read this page in its entirety before signing up. If you'd like to attend, we ask that you abide by our rules and procedures as a time/cost saving process (with an end result of keeping membership free and lower cost events).

The Basics:
Event Type:Hike
Event Location: Echo Glen Park, Gibbons, AB
Date(s) & Time:Sat, Sep 9 2023  10:00 AM
Registration Cut Off: Sat, Sep 9 2023 8:30:00 AM
Event Duration:3 Hours, plus travel time
Difficulty Rating:D4: Moderate to Difficult
Event Coordinator(s): Mark G
You must be logged in to get the Event Coordinator contact information.
Member Cost:None

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 18 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:12
Minimum Group Size:3
Number Registered So Far: 10 (To see who's signed up, log in to the Member Area)
Are Dogs Permitted: Yes

The town of Gibbons is rich in history. We will hike along the Sturgeon River Valley and part of the historic Athabasca Landing Trail (and official section of the current "Trans Canada Trail"/The Great Trail). The trail follows old tracks of freight wagons that brought goods from Fort Edmonton to Athabasca Landing in the late 1800's. We will also pass through Echo Glen Park. Some of the river trails are old single track cattle trails along the bank of the river. We will then travel along the town's double wide trails towards the Gibbons Badlands Prairie site along the east section of the Sturgeon River on the town trail system in Echo Glen Park. Total distance will be around 12 kms and some minimal elevation of around 50 to 80 meters over the entire distance, but probably less than that.

We will meet at Echo Glen Park and start our hike from there after a quick tour of the old buildings, antiques, and machinery.

We will also hike the forested river valley trails on the old Gibbons homestead. The Gibbons' family homestead was the first stop on the Athabasca Landing Trail just before the turn of the century. The trail was built for travelers on their way to Athabasca, and then further destinations such as the Klondike gold rush in the Yukon. This hike will be somewhat of a historic tour back in time, while we hike along the scenic Sturgeon River single track trails.

See the "Trans Canada Trail"/ The Great Trail Website CLICK HERE

We could go to the Gibbons Mainstreet Grill & Pub after the hike.

Required Items to Bring:
- Appropriate hiking footwear and clothing
- Water
Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.
- Money for beverages and food for after the hike at the Gibbons Mainstreet Grill
- Sunscreen
- Mosquito Spray

How to Get There:
Event Directions:Directions: Travel north on 97 St. Edmonton, (HWY 28) 30 km to Gibbons. Turn right into Gibbons off HWY 28. Head to Echo Glen Park, Gibbons, AB just past the train tracks
Mark will wearing a bright blue EOC baseball cap.


- We encourage all members to follow our Etiquette Guidelines at all times while participating in EOC events.
- Please scroll through and read the entire online waiver when you sign up.
- Details of this event are subject to undergo a change at any point in time, with or without warning.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:
Please review our Cancellation Policy carefully!